Rhapsody of Art

Ecstatic Poetry

Time Only Knows

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Time passes, often without our knowing it… Today I made space to revisit Rhapsody of Art. My attention has been with two loving extensions of my writing Career… Writing Counseling and Mythical Fiction.

This growing work has kept me at some distance from my practice as a poet. Practice is about choosing to spend our time doing what is important to us. It is an easy wisdom to forget.

As often as you can allow yourself, spend your time doing what you love, what matters… “Dedication is remembering what you want,” a dear friend once said.

The poem I am about to share is about that space we fall into, without our knowing, when day after day becomes seasons of forgetting.


Time Only Knows


We all want old friends

in new places.

The comfort of children

as sweet as caramel

the clarity of a pilgrim

seeing a green-light in every apple

in every grove.

We mix ourselves with the eyes

of an old soul, a new love, tomorrow’s mistakes

tossing ourselves in a hash of fire

a cumin seed lost in the flour

we forget that once we had dreams.

Time only knows where it all began

the passing of time

a lackluster snow

peeling plaster of a ghost town

we find new coats

from winters worn

we seek to settle a home

somewhere in the drift of thrones

not our own.



Author: josephmontgomery108

Joseph Montgomery is an author of three Indie Published works in the genre of Ecstatic Poetry, he is also a teacher, artist, and fiction writer... Writing has been a boyhood channel for his imagination and vivid language of images. As he explores deeper into himself, he now finds poetry as a practice, a probe, into deeper understandings of self and relationship. Joseph continues believing that through practice and poetic listening, an artist connects to a source of creativity, ingenuity, and aliveness, and our Voice is our measure for evolution... "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who are alive." - Howard Thurman

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